Liquid waste tankering

Drawdown and disposal of non-hazardous liquid waste.

Are you struggling with tanker capacity in your organisation and supply chain? As waste increases, so does the demand for tankering.

We help wastewater companies proactively or reactively uplift and dispose of their liquid waste to facilitate inspection, maintain capacity, reduce downtime, and ensure compliance.


Our equipment includes:

  • 6 standard tankers (3,000 gallons)
  • 3 deep suction tankers (3,000 gallons)
  • 1 standard tanker (4,000 gallons)
  • 1 artic (6,000 gallons)

Added value

Less downtime

Reduce operational downtime from breaching capacity limits.


Comply with discharge consents.

Reduced risk

Reduce the risk of blockages or pollution downstream.

Enable inspection

Allow inspection of your critical storage assets.

Waste transfer notes

Waste transfer notes demonstrate compliance.

We work with wastewater companies to deliver planned maintenance and reactive draw downs and disposal of manufacturing effluent, leachate, foul waste, sludge, flooding and surface water and any other waste liquid from:

  • Sludge tanks and treatment processes eg HSTs PSTs and aeration tanks 
  • Wet wells 
  • Septic tanks 
  • Grease traps 
  • Interceptors 
  • Retention tanks 
  • Landfills 
  • Surface water retention ponds 
  • Portable toilet facilities

We dispose of all waste liquid compliantly at a water treatment works or licensed tip facility. Our tanks connect into your storage vessel / flood and the vacuum pumps draw off the system. If you have multiple sites in an area, we can arrange all the site visits for one day so you can benefit from our multi-site discount.

Drawdown services

We provide regular drawdown services for developers and housebuilders who need to remove wastewater from sites where the full drainage infrastructure is yet to be installed.

Our tankers draw down the system and remove liquid waste for treatment.

Here to help you get the most out of your wastewater networks and assets

Our experts are available to help you understand your underground network, expand hydraulic capacity, and extend the lifespan of your assets.

Speak to our experts